General questions

How long can I work as a temporary worker in the Netherlands?

If you work temporarily in the Netherlands, your employment is based on an Agency Work Employment Contract. Basically, you can work through a temp agency for as long as you want. However, after 4 years, you can no longer do so on a flexible basis, but only through a permanent contract. Temporary employment agencies in the Netherlands work according to the phase system. This consists of 3 phases: Phase A, B, C

Phase A lasts 52 weeks. All weeks worked and the weeks you take paid vacations are counted in this. In phase A, you can get an unlimited number of employment contracts. At B2Works, you will first get a 1-week contract and then a 4-week contract that is automatically extended each time until you or we cancel it. After 52 weeks, you move on to Phase B.

In Phase B, you can have up to six fixed-term contracts within three years. When Phase B ends, Phase C starts.

In Phase C, your contract is indefinite and can be terminated with a legally required notice period.

Your contract can be terminated for a variety of reasons, such as if you reach the age when you receive a state pension, not performing well enough at work, failing to show up for work more than twice without justification in accordance with procedures, expiry of your work or residence permit, or not providing valid ID.

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